by Anne Papina on October 31, 2013
(Bones of the Dead Cookies) Celebrations of Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve, date back to ancient times, originating from the Celtic festival “Samhain” (sah-win) — a harvest festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the “season of darkness and cold.” While the festival itself was one of joy, the Celts […]
by Anne Papina on September 27, 2013
What is it about fall that sends us into baking mode? Does that nip in the air propel us to the kitchen, whisk in hand? Gearing up for the holiday season to come? Meanwhile the markets are brimming with pumpkins and other squashes that work oh-so-well with sweet spices. And of course there are the […]
by Anne Papina on August 19, 2013
Nothing beats the aroma of baking bread, although I suppose that could be said about most baked goods, not just breads. While nothing pleases me more than warm bread slathered in butter, I don’t do much baking myself. And when I do bake, I mostly stick with simple things such as quick breads and drop […]
by Anne Papina on August 4, 2013
Whenever I go on a cooking bender, I turn to music to help keep me motivated. Sometimes it’s classical or jazz, especially if I’m baking. If I’m prepping for a party, it’s probably going to be something with an upbeat tempo, such as rock. Unless, of course, it’s my annual holiday party, and then only […]
by Anne Papina on July 16, 2013
Mmmm what a refreshing glass of buttermilk, said no one. Ever. Well, maybe except for my dad. He loved his buttermilk. Of course, as a child, I had no clue why, but as we mature, so do our palates. Just to be clear, I still have no desire to chug a glass of buttermilk, but […]
by Anne Papina on July 7, 2013
Have you ever seen a recipe and thought I must try that? Of course you have, and for me, that was the case with this cake. It was some time last year that I first discovered the Browned Butter Peach Cake on Spontaneous Hausfrau, and I was mesmerized. Now, you’d think it was those fresh, […]
by Anne Papina on June 2, 2013
Berries and summer seem to go hand in hand. And now that summer has arrived (hey, it was nearly 80 today in San Francisco!), the markets are brimming with nature’s candy. Berries are everywhere. So, it’s fitting that this week’s #SundaySupper salutes this seasonal favorite. Nicole over at Daily Dish Recipes is hosting this week’s […]
by Anne Papina on March 31, 2013
Happy Easter! Did you know it’s also National Oranges and Lemons Day? Sure enough, the #SundaySupper crew is celebrating this special day with a citrusy feast. Lemon Meringue Pie is one of my mom’s favorites, so that’s what I’m bringing for dinner, I mean, dessert. Since she’s really not supposed to be having sweets, I’ve […]
by Anne Papina on March 10, 2013
Life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes, which is what led to my brief hiatus. Life. But it’s all good. Family always comes first, you know. And there’s nothing like a health crisis to put those things in perspective! These Whole Grain Apricot Walnut Muffins are a great way to kick […]
by Anne Papina on February 24, 2013
While searching for something interesting to make with zucchini, I stumbled across a recipe for zucchini blondies. Hmmm. I do love a good blondie, almost better than brownies (gasp!). I have a thing for butterscotch, what can I say? I know from many years of baking zucchini bread that the mild flavor of zucchini works […]