
Hot Pastrami Sliders #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on August 17, 2014

It’s hard to believe summer is nearly a fait accompli, and soon we’ll be counting the days until winter break. Getting meals on the table in short order can be a challenge, so this week #SundaySupper has culled an assortment of quick and easy meals to get you off on the right foot. Tammi over […]


Refrigerator Pickles #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on August 10, 2014

When I was a young cook, I fancied myself mastering things such as yeast breads, summer preserves, and berry pies, delicacies that required time and patience to prepare. I envisioned a kitchen lined with blue ribbons from county fairs, living in a place where my preserves were recognized at least three towns over. Silly dreams […]


Beef Burgundy in Puff Pastry #SundaySupper #HBTurns50

by Anne Papina on February 16, 2014

Some of the best meals start with wine. I should know–our family cooks just about everything in wine–chicken, pork, beef, you name it–if it’s going in the oven, it’s getting cozy in a bath of wine. So imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Gallo Family Vineyards was teaming with #SundaySupper to celebrate the […]


Falafel with Israeli Salad #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on November 3, 2013

Here in San Francisco, the quest to find the best falafel seems never ending. I should know, I’ve been sampling them all over town for as long as I can remember. The one place that had it right, Just Like Home, disappeared eons ago. Meanwhile a parade of places serving dried-up hockey pucks has taken […]


Smoky Turkey Burgers #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on September 8, 2013

It’s hard to believe a year has passed since our last virtual tailgate party, yet here we are. This week the #SundaySupper crew has another winning game day lineup in store, and Lane over at Supper for a Steal is hosting. Last year I whipped up a luscious potato salad with bacon and peas… and […]


Spicy Two-Bite Tuna Melts

by Anne Papina on January 30, 2013

There are probably a thousand reasons why you should keep a loaf of cocktail rye bread stashed in your freezer, and this recipe is now one of them. When I was in high school, open-faced tuna melts were a favorite after school snack for me and my friends. There’s something about the hot bubbly tuna […]


Croque Monsieur #CookforJulia #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on August 4, 2012

“The best way to execute French cooking is to get good and loaded and whack the hell out of a chicken. Bon appétit.” -Julia Child Leave it to the French to take a pedestrian grilled ham and cheese and elevate it to something, well, so decidedly decadent. I was nearly giddy with delight as I […]


The Great American Hamburger

by Anne Papina on June 5, 2008

(ARA) – It’s that special time of year when home chefs nationwide are heating up the grill and putting their cooking skills to the test. But are they cooking burgers so they’re not only savory, but also safe to consume? Most backyard chefs don’t know the optimal temperature for a grilled or cooked burger, according […]


Grilled Veggie Pocket with Fresh Herb Pesto

by Anne Papina on June 5, 2008

(ARA) – Summer is synonymous with outdoor picnics, barbeques and entertaining family and friends. This year, instead of grilling up the same barbeque staples, experiment with tapas-style recipes that are light and sensible and embrace the flavors of the season. Your guests will sure be satisfied by these, small, tasty and distinctive food choices. Tapas, […]


King’s Hawaiian Chocolate Paradise Panini

by Anne Papina on March 5, 2008

(ARA) – Whether it’s for a special birthday or just another Friday night, people often overlook the romance that can be created by a homemade dinner. Just a few simple things–a small list of grocery store finds, a little finesse and some treats from the heart–can surprise and impress the one you love. King’s Hawaiian […]