Sunday Supper

Pasta Patate #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on March 9, 2014

Some days it feels as if I have pasta pumping through my veins. Must be the Italian in me, as pasta is one of my favorite foods, especially if it’s one of my grandfather’s recipes. Tammi over at Mamma’s Meals is hosting a meatless #SundaySupper this week, so why not bring one of my grandfather’s […]


Beef Burgundy in Puff Pastry #SundaySupper #HBTurns50

by Anne Papina on February 16, 2014

Some of the best meals start with wine. I should know–our family cooks just about everything in wine–chicken, pork, beef, you name it–if it’s going in the oven, it’s getting cozy in a bath of wine. So imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Gallo Family Vineyards was teaming with #SundaySupper to celebrate the […]


Kahlua-Toffee Ice Cream Cake #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on January 12, 2014

It’s hard to believe, but the Sunday Supper Movement is turning two–proof that time does fly when you’re having fun! In honor of this milestone, Liz over at That Skinny Chick Can Bake is hosting a virtual birthday party for the group, and I’m bringing my most often requested dessert–Kahlua Toffee Ice Cream Cake. Of […]


Baked Stuffed Pork Chops with Moscato Gravy #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on December 15, 2013

As you might imagine, my Swiss-Italian family is quite large and spread out, yet back in the day, we always seemed to find time to get together. Some of my most cherished childhood memories stem from the gatherings at Nona Mary’s house. That was the family home, a place where there was always a spot […]


Italian-American Turkey Dressing #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on November 24, 2013

It seems hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a few days away–are you ready? I’m not! You probably figure I’ve forgotten all about turkey day considering all the Christmas cookies I’ve been baking lately, but nothing could be further from the truth. Once I get Thanksgiving on the brain, all thoughts turn to the […]


Did you know the world’s largest cheese was an American Cheddar out of Wisconsin? True story. Made as a promotional gimmick for the Wisconsin exhibit at the 1964 New York World’s Fair, it measured 6 1/2 feet wide by 5 1/2 feet high by 14 1/2 feet long, and weighed in at a whopping 34,591 […]


Falafel with Israeli Salad #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on November 3, 2013

Here in San Francisco, the quest to find the best falafel seems never ending. I should know, I’ve been sampling them all over town for as long as I can remember. The one place that had it right, Just Like Home, disappeared eons ago. Meanwhile a parade of places serving dried-up hockey pucks has taken […]


Ruby Port Cranberry Sauce #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on October 20, 2013

Who says cranberry sauce is just for the holidays? Around here, we love it on turkey sandwiches, so we roast turkey breast all year ’round, just for the sauce! When I saw that the Foodie Stuntman was getting all saucy this week (for #SundaySupper), I knew I wanted to bring this cranberry sauce–instead of water, […]


Fabulous French Cassoulet #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on October 6, 2013

As we drift into the cooler months, our thoughts turn to soups, stews … hearty one-pot meals that simmer all day and fill the house with the aroma of something decidedly good. This week’s #SundaySupper is dedicated to those recipes, and Amy over at Kimchi Mom is hosting. I had a hankering for this fabulous […]


Penny’s Taco Salad #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on September 29, 2013

Ever notice how some cravings revolve around texture rather than taste? Sometimes I want something creamy, decadent, then other times it’s all about the crunch, which happens to be the theme of this week’s #SundaySupper! Susan over at The Girl in the Little Red Kitchen is hosting a crunch-fest, and below you’ll find dozens of […]