by Anne Papina on December 17, 2013
Looks can sometimes be deceiving. Take, for instance, these cookies. At first glance, they might seem a bit, oh I don’t know, simple. But they’re chocolate, so you take one. Then with that first bite, you’re hit with a burst of chocolate so intense, you wonder how all that flavor got packed into such a […]
by Anne Papina on December 15, 2013
As you might imagine, my Swiss-Italian family is quite large and spread out, yet back in the day, we always seemed to find time to get together. Some of my most cherished childhood memories stem from the gatherings at Nona Mary’s house. That was the family home, a place where there was always a spot […]
by Anne Papina on December 5, 2013
With all the kneading, shaping, rolling, cutting of the last few weeks, these Ricotta Cookies are a nice change of pace. Sometimes there’s nothing better than a drop cookie. Sure, the frosting is an extra step, but guess what? They’re good without the frosting too! If you’re looking for something a little different this year, […]
by Anne Papina on December 1, 2013
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, the holiday season is in full swing. That means baking. Lots of baking. As you know, I’ve been pretty busy in the kitchen these last couple of weeks. First there were the Spritz Cookies, then the Pepparkakor (ginger snaps), followed by the Cinnamon Stars (zimtsterne), and of course the […]
by Anne Papina on November 26, 2013
I think it’s safe to say, no Christmas cookie platter would be complete without a smattering of these little gems–Russian Tea Cakes. The cookies are a form of jumble, which has been around since the Middle ages. They’re dense and buttery, very similar to shortbread; however, they’re rolled into balls, and dipped in powdered sugar, […]
by Anne Papina on November 24, 2013
It seems hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a few days away–are you ready? I’m not! You probably figure I’ve forgotten all about turkey day considering all the Christmas cookies I’ve been baking lately, but nothing could be further from the truth. Once I get Thanksgiving on the brain, all thoughts turn to the […]
by Anne Papina on November 22, 2013
Switzerland may be the land of sweet confections, but it’s not all about the chocolate come Christmas. Depending on where you are, customs can be influenced by German, Italian, or French holiday traditions. In searching for something that could represent the country as a whole, I came across these Cinnamon Stars, which are largely a […]
by Anne Papina on November 20, 2013
Gingerbread is practically synonymous with Christmas, and nothing quite beats that aroma wafting through the house. Whether it’s in the form of a gingerbread cake, a funny little man, or a house, Christmas wouldn’t be the same without it. And in Sweden, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without Pepparkakor–a crisp, thin cookie/biscuit spiced with ginger, cinnamon, […]
by Anne Papina on November 15, 2013
Let the baking begin! What better way to get into the spirit of the holiday season than to whip up some Christmas cookies? I know, it’s early, but if you get a jump on the baking frenzy now, you can stash them in the freezer so they’re ready for gift giving at a moment’s notice. […]
by Anne Papina on November 10, 2013
Did you know the world’s largest cheese was an American Cheddar out of Wisconsin? True story. Made as a promotional gimmick for the Wisconsin exhibit at the 1964 New York World’s Fair, it measured 6 1/2 feet wide by 5 1/2 feet high by 14 1/2 feet long, and weighed in at a whopping 34,591 […]