
Skinny Buffalo Chicken Strips #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on August 11, 2013

Did I ever tell you about when Morgan and I met? You see, a mutual friend played matchmaker and invited us both on a ski weekend. One night, we were paired up to cook dinner, and a make-your-own taco bar was the plan. As we ran around the local market gathering ingredients, out of all […]


Heart Healthy Turkey Meatloaf

by Anne Papina on July 24, 2013

Seems we’ve been eating lots of rich foods lately, so I thought I’d change things up with a heart healthy meal. Now, some might figure low-sodium + low-fat = blah. Plus, why ruin this quintessential comfort food? I know, I used to think that way, but this meatloaf is anything but bland. True, when you’re […]


Clay Pot Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic

by Anne Papina on May 15, 2013

There’s something magical about the way a clay cooker effortlessly transforms a few simple ingredients into a guest-worthy meal. Take this chicken, for example–it’s irresistibly moist, and the meat is infused with the flavors of garlic, lemon, and thyme. Despite what seems to be an excessive amount of garlic, it never overpowers the dish. The […]


Spinach Chicken Parmigiana Pasta #TakeYourPlace

by Anne Papina on April 8, 2013

Good food doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive–in fact, over the years I’ve learned that sometimes the simplest meals are the best. Take, for instance, this Spinach Chicken Parmesan Pasta. Literally just a handful of ingredients come together in a superbly flavored dish. Plus, you’ve got at least three food groups going on here–there’s […]


Spicy Turkey Sausage Patties

by Anne Papina on February 6, 2013

What’s this? Another heart-healthy recipe? Why, yes! As much as I love decadent entrees and ooey-gooey desserts, it’s not practical to eat like that every day. Truth is, I love to eat as much as I love to cook, so keeping snacks such as these spicy turkey sausage patties on hand helps keep me in […]


Heart Healthy Stuffed Peppers

by Anne Papina on January 27, 2013

I have a confession to make. You’d never know from the calorie laden recipes here, but I’m a Dr. Oz fan. It’s true. I love watching the show, and he inspires me to adopt healthier habits, even if I don’t always follow through. I know, I know, the road to Hell is paved with good […]


Turkey and Black Bean Enchiladas #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on November 18, 2012

In just a few short days, we’ll be stuffed to the gills and unable to even look at another bite of food. I know; I’ve been there. Many times, in fact. One of the great joys of Thanksgiving (besides the time spent with family and friends) is the food, especially the leftovers. This week’s #SundaySupper […]


Thanksgiving Dinner for Two

by Anne Papina on November 11, 2012

With fall being my favorite season, it’s only natural that Thanksgiving would be my favorite holiday, no? I’m not in it just for the food, I swear! But my family does put out an impressive spread. The turkey, of course, is the centerpiece of the meal. There will be garlic mashed potatoes, pan gravy, fresh […]


This is one of those recipes that’s a cinch to throw together, yet admittedly, I don’t make this as often as I should. Chicken Cacciatore’s rich aroma and flavors are borne in its simplicity. Some may remember Pollo alla Cacciatora as a relic from the 1950s’ Italian-American food scene–just add drippy candles and a bottle […]


Chicken Roasted with White Wine #SundaySupper

by Anne Papina on October 14, 2012

What does comfort food mean to you? For some, the phrase comfort food conjures up images of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, chicken noodle soup, just to name a few. For me it’s this roasted chicken. But comfort food is more about emotions than a specific recipe–it’s about nostalgia… it’s about your favorite aunt […]